ABC’s of Multiculture


A is for AWARENESS of those around us
B is for BEAUTY for all people
C is for CARING about each other
D is for DIGNITY that we all possess
E is for ETHNICITY of which we would be proud
F is for FEELING, important to us all
G is for GIVING of ourselves
H is for HOPE for a better tomorrow
I is for INTEGRITY, our standards tell so about us
J is for JOINTLY working together
K is for KNOWLEDGE which erases ignorance
L is for LOVE to be shared
M is for MANKIND, the entire human race
N is for NOBODY is unimportant
O is for OPTIMISM which enhances everyone’s life
P is for PROGRESS made toward understanding
Q is for being QUIET when asked
R is for RESPECT for oneself and others
S is for SELF-WORTH which we should never be without
T is for TOLERANCE toward others
U is for UNDERSTANDING different cultures
V is for VALUES learned along the way
W is for WEALTH gained by sharing our diversity
X is for X-RAY vision that helps us see the good in others
Y is for YOU. Make your life what you want it to be, forward and upward
Z is for ZEAL to appreciate a multicultural world

— Author Unknown