Beginning With Him – July, 2000

July, 2002 Edition



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I appreciate all the people who responded to last month’s “Beginning
with Him” message (
The kind notes were very moving. It is always good to hear how God is
using this ministry to touch people’s lives.

I also appreciate all who send it donations. They will help to offset
the costs of the ministry. For information about making a donation, go

* * *

This month I don’t want to focus on E-Mail Ministry. But instead, I
would like to talk about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
(JDRF). This charity is near and dear to me as a friend’s son as
juvenile diabetes (Type 1 diabetes), my associate pastor’s younger
brother has it and my mom has adult onset diabetes (Type 2 diabetes).

While doing their best to focus on the positives, shatter the myths, and
achieve their dreams despite the obstacles, people with type 1 diabetes
are always mindful of the reality of the disease: that insulin is not a
cure; that it needs constant attention, including multiple insulin
injections daily; that it is difficult to manage; that it carries the
constant threat of devastating complications; that it usually results in
a drastic reduction in quality of life and shortening of the average
life span.

More than one million Americans have Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes-a
disease which strikes children suddenly, makes them insulin dependent
for life, and carries the constant threat of devastating complications.
Someone is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes every hour. It can and does
strike adults as well. In Type 1 diabetes, a person’s pancreas produces
little or no insulin, a hormone necessary to sustain life. Although the
causes are not entirely known, scientists believe the body’s own immune
system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. It
is not caused by obesity or by eating excessive sugar, which are two
common myths about Type 1.

Statistics and Warning Signs:
Even with insulin, Type 1 usually results in a drastic reduction in
quality of life and shortens the average life span by 15 years. Each
year approximately 30,000 Americans are diagnosed with Type 1, over
13,000 of whom are children. That’s 35 children each and every day.
Warning signs of Type 1 diabetes include: extreme thirst, frequent
urination, drowsiness or lethargy, increased appetite, sudden weight
loss for no reason, sudden vision changes, sugar in urine, fruity odor
on breath, heavy or labored breathing, stupor or unconsciousness. These
may occur suddenly.

The company I work for is a local sponsor of a JDRF charity drive. If
you would like to contribute to this worthy cause, please make your tax
deductible check payable to: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Mail your checks to:
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
c/o E-Mail Ministry
P.O. Box 944
Garden City, MI 48136-0944

On behalf of JDRF and those who are living with this disease, I thank
you. — doug

To learn more about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation go to:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and
you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will
answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty
and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and
invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you
sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘I tell
you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:35-40 (NIV)

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The results of the last month’s poll question can viewed at Here is this month’s poll
question (Go the web site at:
register your vote!! Please do NOT send me an e-mail with your vote!)

Q: Do you suffer from diabetes?

* * *

Well, that pretty much wraps it up for this month. I pray this message
finds you growing in the understanding of how much God loves you.

— doug
Founder, Editor, Webmaster & ‘Chief Bottle Washer’ of E-Mail Ministry