Irish Blessings

IRISH BLESSINGS! May soft gentle breezes brush o’er your face, For each loving touch is God’s warm embrace. May you have enough for all that you need, And never be hurt by another’s greed. The Lord keep you safe from terrible things, And at the end of this life,...

Hello God

HELLO GOD Hello God, I called tonight To talk a little while I need a friend who’ll listen To my anxiety and trial. You see, I can’t quite make it Through a day just on my own… I need your love to guide me, So I’ll never feel alone....

Vacation Travel Prayer

VACATION TRAVEL PRAYER Let us pray: O God, we entrust ourselves to you as we begin our journey. Keep us safe, and give us the grace to be generous to one another and to be courteous and kind to everyone we meet along the way. Help us to recognize...

No Time

NO TIME I knelt to pray but not for long, I had too much to do. I had to hurry and get to work For bills would soon be due. So I knelt and said a hurried prayer, And jumped up off my knees. My christian duty was now...