July Newsletter

E-MAIL MINISTRY “First-of-the-Month” Newsletter

As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the
month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other
related items. So here goes this month’s short (ha ha) edition (NOTE:
I didn’t get a chance to put together the “First-of-the-Month” message
for June – so this one will be twice as short!!! :-))


* * *
Anybody have any suggestions for a title for these “First-of-the-Month”
Newsletters from E-Mail Ministry? Something catching and unique maybe?
Send your suggestions to emailministry@emailministry.org

* * *

— Guest Book: Your chance to let the world know your thoughts and
feelings about E-Mail Ministry
— Spread the Word: Click on the “Spread the Word! Tell a Friend about
E-Mail Ministry” link to refer this site to your friends and family.
— Poll Questions: Each month I will have two new poll questions to
ask. Helps me understand the E-Mail Ministry family better. The May
and June poll question results can viewed from a link on the main page.
Here are the July 2000 poll questions (Go the web site and register your

Q1: How many OTHER on-line ministries do you subscribe to?
Zero (0)
One (1)
Two (2)
Three to Five (3 – 5)
Six to Ten (6 – 10)
More than Ten (> 10)

Q2: Do you feel that the internet boom has had a net positive
or negative influence on society as a whole?
Net Positive
Net Negative
No Change

PLEASE NOTE: The banners on the guest book, poll questions and referral
do NOT support E-Mail Ministry and E-Mail Ministry does not support

— Humor Pages: They May & June editions of the ‘Humor’ section have
posted to the web. Check them out! The Humor section is one of the
most popular areas of the E-Mail Ministry web site.

— Some Numbers: May June
Total number of subscribers: 6,005 7,203
Increase from last month: 1,163 (24%) 1,198 (20%)
Total number of web site hits: 9,408 11,544
Increase from last month: 1,926 (10%) 2,136 (11%)
Total number of countries reached: 29 34
Increase from last month: 4 (16%) 5 (17%)
Countries with subscribers: Australia, Barbados, Belize, Brazil,
Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, Germany, Haiti*, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New
Zealand, Netherlands*, Nigeria*, Nicaragua, Oman*, Papua New Guinea,
Puerto Rico*, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, St. Vincent &
the Grenadines, Suriname, Sweden, Venezuela, United Kingdom, United
States (all 50 states!!), Zimbabwe
* New countries this month.

If you are from a country other than those listed above, please let me
know by sending an e-mail to emailministry@emailministry.org

All 50 States!! E-Mail Ministry achieved one of its goals on 13-May
when we added a subscriber from Vermont — out last of the 50 States to
be added!

— Web Site Votes: E-Mail Ministry continues to be ranked number 1 in
the “Computers & Internet – Mailing Lists” category on the Cross Daily
Awesome Christian Sites and we are in the top 7% in overall ranking
(#878 out of 12,651). We are consistently ranked #1 in the Christian
Internet Resources’s Top 50 Sites. Thanks to all who vote for us. The
higher the ranking the more visibility and the more people we reach!

— Usage of E-Mail Ministry messages: I have received requests for
approval to use the E-Mail Ministry messages for bible studies, youth
groups, sermons, etc. I encourage you to use the messages in any way
the Lord leads you. I do have one request (and it is an optional
request). If you don’t mind, it would be nice if you put “Message
distributed by E-Mail Ministry (https://www.emailministry.org)” at the
bottom of any material you use. That way more people will become aware
of this ministry.

* * *

Well, based on your feedback, it seems you enjoyed the animated show
“Miracle Maker” but didn’t like the interpretation of Jesus’s life in
the “Jesus” mini-series — some even commented they turned it off after
only 30 minutes.

Please understand I have no ‘insider’ information concerning these or
any other shows and I pass on information about upcoming TV shows as
information, not necessarily endorsement.

* * *

I said a prayer for you today
And know God must have heard-
I felt the answer in my heart
Although He spoke no word.
I didn’t ask for wealth or fame,
I new you wouldn’t mind,
I asked Him to send treasures
Of a far more lasting kind.
I asked that He’d be near you
At the start of each new day
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small
But it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all!

* * *

A riddle to be solved….
….can you do it?

What is greater than God?
What is more evil than the devil?
The poor have it.
The rich need it.
If you eat it you will die?

This is all one riddle, with one
answer. An interesting stat is that
70% of Stanford University students
couldn’t work it out, however
80% of Kindergarten kids could.

The answer is at the end of this note, but no cheating

* * *
I received this note from a subscriber

“About a year ago, my best friend of 10 years called me on the
telephone, and asked me if I wanted to come to this thing called a cell
meeting. I had no idea what a cell meeting was, but I decided to go,
and find out what it was all about. Anyway when I got there, I figured
out that it was something to do with God, and Jesus Christ. About
halfway through the meeting my friend (he was the leader of the cell
meeting) he was telling us how we need to accept Jesus Christ as our
Lord and Savior, and to be the boss of our lives in order for us to be
able to join him in heaven when we die. This sounded very important to
me, so at the end of the cell meeting; me and everyone else there who
wasn’t already saved said a prayer to Jesus Christ, and we got saved
from the fire’s of hell, when we die.
……….Man I wish everybody had a friend like that” — Justin R.

* * *
Those who surrender their lives to His guidance and to His service will
never be placed in a position for which He has not made provision.
Whatever our situation, if we are doers of His Word, we have a Guide to
direct our way; whatever our perplexity, we have a sure Counselor;
whatever our sorrow, bereavement, or loneliness, we have a sympathizing
Friend. If in our ignorance we make missteps, the Savior does not
forsake us. We need never feel that we are alone.

* * *
A wonderful account from missionary biography – – Goforth of China

Seek to give much — expect nothing.
Put the very best construction on the actions of others.
Never let a day pass without at least a quarter of an hour spent in
study of the Bible.
Never omit daily morning and evening prayer and devotion to God.
In all things, seek to know God’s will and when known, obey at any
Seek to cultivate a quiet prayerful Spirit.
Seek each day to say or do something which furthers Christ’s cause.

By Rosalind Goforth

* * *
The following is a note I received from a reader concerning the .
“Hi, I received your email from a friend. It was the one about “If I
Had My Life To Do Over.” At the end, you stated that Erma Bombeck died
while waiting for a kidney transplant, and that she didn’t use her fame
or celebrity to move to the top of the list. Erma did in fact receive a
kidney on April 4, 1996 and died from complications on April 23. I
checked it out on her web site just to make sure.
The kidney transplant people, UNOS, work very hard to make donor kidneys
available to whomever is next in line. It hurts the transplant
community and makes people less likely to donate organs when they hear,
falsely, that the process is skewed in favor of the rich and famous. I
happen to know these things because I am a kidney transplant recipient
myself; however, I am alive and healthy. Of course, I’m a lot younger
than Erma 🙂 — Lisa R”

Sorry for the misinformation and I appreciate the people who sent me
notes correcting this error.

* * *
I had several people send me comments about the “Make A Difference”
7-June E-Mail Ministry message. This is an international movement see
that everyone around the world receive a blue ribbon by 2004. Here is
some information from their web site (http://www.blueribbons.com) “We
believe that every single person on the planet has value, has the
capacity to make a difference whether great or small, and should be
encouraged to go for his or her own dreams coming true, not what anyone
else says can’t be done. And we think the best way to change the world
for the better is to make sure every single person hears that message
from at least one other person!!! Imagine what it would be like; a
world where every child and every adult knows they matter, that they
make a difference.”

* * *
I want to thank all of you for your support during this transition
period concerning the administration of the distribution list. I have
received overwhelming support and many, many very nice comments about
this ministry. Your kind words are very encouraging and deepen my
desire to continue this ministry until we are in every country around
the world!
When the transition is complete I will send out a note outlining some of
the features eGroups.com provides to the groups that use their service.
I am sure you will enjoy these new features.

* * *
FEED THE HUNGRY FOR FREE (and do it every day!):
You can help feed hungry people, at no cost to you, by pointing your
internet browser to http://www.thehungersite.com Click the Donate Free
Food button to bring up a page of corporate sponsors, each of whom
contributes 1/2 cent per click, which translates to 1/4 cup of cooked
food. The food is distributed through the United Nations World Food
Program. Founded by an unnamed “private individual,” the site displays a
map that dims one country every 3.6 seconds, signifying a death from
hunger. Three quarters of those deaths are children under 5. A link has
been placed on the E-Mail Ministry main page and link page to this site
to make it easier for your to click it each day!
“When they finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of
John, do you truly love me more than these?’. ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said,
‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.'” – John 21, 15

* * *
Well, that’s it for another edition of the “First-of-the-Month”
newsletter (boy, this newsletter really DOES need a good, catchy
title!). I pray this finds you all growing in the understanding of how
God loves you.

— doug
The “Staff” of E-Mail Ministry


“Nothing” is the correct answer.