JESUS was born,
that I might be born twice.
HE became poor,
that I might possess wealth.
HE became homeless,
that I might have mansions.
HE was stripped,
that I always should have clothes.
HE was forsaken,
that I always should have friends.
HE was bound,
that I might have perfect liberty.
HE was sad,
that I might have full joy.
HE descended,
that I should be lifted up.
HE became a servant,
that I might be a son forever.
HE was hungry,
that I should always have food.
HE was made sin,
that I should share HIS righteousness.
HE died,
that I should never taste Eternal death.
HE will come down,
that I might go up.
All of this — that HE might display in me the riches of HIS grace
and be the companion of God in the heavenlies.
— Author Unknown