ONE GUY DIDN’T Three guys were tried for crimes against humanity. Two guys committed crimes. One guy didn’t. Three guys were given government trials. Two guys had fair trials. One guy didn’t. Three guys were whipped and beaten. Two guys had it coming. One guy didn’t. Three guys were...
Resurrection Sunday Story Cookies
RESURRECTION SUNDAY STORY COOKIES You need: 1 c. whole pecans 1 tsp. vinegar 3 egg whites pinch salt 1 c. sugar zipper baggie wooden spoon tape Bible Preheat oven to 300 F. (this in important – don’t wait till you are half way done with the recipe!) Place pecans...
One Guy Didn’t
ONE GUY DIDN’T Three guys were tried for crimes against humanity. Two guys committed crimes. One guy didn’t. Three guys were given government trials. Two guys had fair trials. One guy didn’t. Three guys were whipped and beaten. Two guys had it coming. One guy didn’t. Three guys were...
Why Do We Crucify Him Again?
WHY DO WE CRUCIFY HIM AGAIN? I say something rude to someone who’s lost, And I’ve ruinded my witness, But they will pay the cost. –So I nail in the nails. Can anyone see the Lord through me, Or do they simply see my sins? Am I living the...
Why Did Jesus Fold The Napkin?
WHY DID JESUS FOLD THE NAPKIN? Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this…. The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The...