Thank You From Elizabeth

A note from doug:
If you will remember, in February I told you of Elizabeth, a family friend, who felt a calling from God to go on a mission trip to Botswana, Africa over this past summer. Thanks to the prayer and financial support from her friends, family, church members and E-Mail Ministry
subscribers she was able to answer God’s call. Below is a thank you letter from Elizabeth. — doug


Thank you so much for all of the support that you offered me in regards to my mission trip to Botswana. Botswana was amazing. I saw God there in so many different ways. However, I also saw God work in the love, prayer, financial aid, and encouragement that everyone gave to me.

I left July 13, and flew to Atlanta. From there, we flew to Johannesburg, South Africa. We stayed in Johannesburg for a few days for training. After that, we drove (over 20 hours in a packed bus!) to Maun, Botswana. From there, they took us to a smaller village called Sehitwa, which is where we did most of our ministering.

In the mornings, we walked from hut to hut and ministered to people one on one. …Hut to hut… was probably my favorite part. We had translators who were awesome. They were fluent in Setswana and English. Each afternoon we basically held a vacation bible school (VBS). It was divided into sections: a drama with a bible verse, games, arts and crafts, and Bible stories. (I played innumerable amounts of Cotsi, Cotsi, Uncha, or Cat Cat Dog. They had never seen a duck or goose.) The kids loved the program. While the VBS did not officially start until 2:00, some kids would start showing up at 9:00. The really cool part about the VBS was because we saw most of the kids everyday, we were able to build more solid relationships.

On Sunday we were able to take part in Operation Christmas Child, from Samaritan…s Purse. Around Christmas time, people buy fun things and wrap them in a shoebox. Then, Samaritan…s Purse sends it somewhere kids would not normally receive Christmas presents. Each child was thankful for anything, especially bright colors. I will always remember the light shining in their eyes, and the smiles that spread across their faces.

Going to Botswana was an amazing experience. I was so dirty; we didn…t have showers for nine days. We slept in overcrowded tents, and were awakened early every morning by the sounds of wild donkeys. My hands were so caked in sand that my fingernails were black and no one would have known that I have freckles. At night, and in the morning, I was so cold that my hands and feet would go numb. Yet, by noon I was sweating in clothes that I had to wear for the next week. However, I didn…t mind at all. I would go back and do it all again in a heartbeat. It was so exciting, and I will always remember the people I met, both the people on the mission trip, and the natives of Botswana.

I am so thankful for the support system God has blessed me with. All the written prayers I received from the E-Mail Ministry were overwhelming. Thank you so much for being willing to support and pray for me.

