I pray that all of you are having a wonderful 4th of July weekend.
If you have not already responded, I am curious just where everyone is located. If you don’t mind, I would appreciate you sending me the following information:
a) Name (I will only post your initials)
b) City/State & Country
c) Favorite Bible Verse (please type out the verse as well as give it’s book/chapter/verse ‘address’)
d) Answer the question “Why is this my favorite verse?”
Here are two postings I received which I thought you all might like.
The other responses have been posted on the Favorite Verses web page.
b) I live in Kremmling, Colorado here in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, in the USA.
C) It’s been almost 39 years since I was saved, and I have had many “favorite” verses, beginning with Romans 8:28. But The verse I have settled on after all these years must certainly be John 3:16, in any version.
D) It has become my “favorite,” and my personal testimony. Think about it … If a person will substitute their name, or the name of the person with whom they are sharing the gospel, in the appropriate places in John 3:16, the verse becomes one of the shortest, most powerful gospel tracts and testimonies anyone could find.
b) St. Petersburg, Florida
c) Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be moved.
D) This is my favorite verse because when my husband, Coach JW (same initials, different name), was being pushed into the operating room on the gurney for surgery, as the doors opened, the Lord Jesus was standing there with His hands held out toward Jim, and as the gurney came by Him, He took Jim’s right hand and held it, and spoke to him, saying, “I will be with you; I will hold your hand; I will heal you completely.” Then Jim couldn’t see Him anymore, but he could still feel his hand being held, and it was a life-changing experience for him. It changed my life, also. He lived five months after that, and all who knew him saw the new spirit in him.
The E-Mail Ministry web site has been updated with the June messages in the archive section. All of the favorite verses have been posted as well as the Church Humor. If you have suggestions for the site, please let me know.
I would like to thank all of you who have sent contributions for E-Mail Ministry and, more importantly, those of you who have forwarded the messages on to others. E-Mail Ministry is up to 282 subscribers!
I pray you all have an enjoyable summer and may you continue to see God’s blessings in your lives.
— doug