
The following a two brief testimonials I received from two subscribers. I thought I would pass them onto you.

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I was e-mailed the letter about the columbine shooting. It really touched my heart and made my spirit saddened by the public schools and legislation. I would like to be on your email. Maybe someday I can send an encouraging word, as of right now I am battling depression as well as many other things in my life. I am how ever planning on writing a book about my life…the sexual, emotional, physical abuse as well as my depression and how the Mighty Hand of God has gotten me through alive. Thank you for putting me on your email I would love to hear from you again

Donna Hobbs

** I asked if I could use this in an E-Mail Ministry and this was the response:

Yes feel free to use it maybe it will help someone in need and you can use our name and email in case someone needs to talk to us we can help them Thank You Bryon Hobbs

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** This testimonial came in as a response to my “Survey Request”:

A. K.E.J.F. & J.S.F.

B. Northville, MI

C. Favorite verse: For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call me upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me if you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, “declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.”

Jeremiah 29: 11-14b.

D. I have selected this particular verse because it gave me hope to know that the Lord was always with me. I was brutally physically and verbally abused in a marriage for almost 16 years from the age of 18 years old. I clung to the fact that I did indeed have a future and always hope, no matter how hard things got. After raising 3 children on my own and with only with 17 college credits, I divorced when my former husband would not get the help he needed with the use of an intervention.
I moved from CA. back to Mi, my home, preceded to attend college and received my MBA teaching college business classes and even bought my own home as a single parent in Plymouth.
It was a tragedy , or so it seemed, to have kidney failure at 38 years of age! However, I met a physician, who was the Chairman of Anesthesiology at the U. of MI, and who also had kidney failure. I received my first transplant on June 1, 1994 and my second transplant on May 8, 1996. J., my husband received his kidney transplant on July 20, 1994 and all is well with both of us. My husband and I were married by Rev. T.A. on Jan 4, 1997. So, out of what seems like insurmountable odds and strife, God always has a special place and job for me to do. I feel it my mission to spread the word of His goodness and Mercy wherever I go and I’m never to shy to speak His name to a stranger.
I’m sure this is much more than you ever asked for, or maybe wanted to hear, but I love to tell my personal story of HOPE. My husband and I also host the Thursday Night TLC Group at 1st Church and really love it. I also have the opportunity to call all first-time visitors from the Friendship Registry and enjoy both ministries very much. I hope my husband will be able to meet you sometime soon.

In His Service, K.E.J.F.

** I asked if I could use this in an E-Mail Ministry and this was the response:

Dear Doug:
I would gladly let you use my testimonial if it will help others know the Lord and have a greater knowledge of Him! My husband and I are currently working on a book, at a snails pace, regarding our experiences. We hope to help and encourage others through our story.
I want to touch other people’s life for Christ, and my husband and I are currently working on encouraging and supporting 3 other individuals and their families. Two of these individuals are in need of a kidney transplant and the other gentlemen is in need of a liver transplant and is quite ill. I believe when you’re willing to speak and give of yourself, God equips you, and then brings those people to you who need your love and a good boast of HOPE!!!

In His Service, K.E.J.F.