Welcome To May


Well, its time for my monthly “don’t know what to call it because it is just a compilation of my thoughts and other things about E-Mail Ministry” – how is that for a title!

Starting with the serious and ending with the not so serious…

1) In your prayers remember to give praises and thanks to God for the release of the three servicemen held as POW’s in Serbia. I was reminded by several of you that we should also be praying for the servicemen and women, and their families, who are involved in this conflict. We need to pray for the refugees who are loosing everything, including their lives, because of this conflict/war. Pray for the relief workers who are caring out God’s desire to care for these people.

2) Continue to pray for the families of the students/teacher killed in the Littleton shooting. It is my prayer that they will feel God’s healing hand during this difficult time. We need to pray for God’s healing, both physical and emotional, for those wounded in the shooting. A few readers reminded me we should pray for the families of the shooters for they are also grieving for their dead children and trying to understand, more than any of us, why it happened. My pastor at my church today (Sunday) reminded us all that we need to do everything we can to PREVENT these types of tragedies from happening. We need to wrap our arms, and thus Christ’s arms, around our child(ren), no matter how old they are, and tell them that we love them and Christ loves them.

3) I appreciate all of the feedback comments I receive from you about the E-Mail Ministry messages and how they touched you. I ask that you pray this ministry continues to grow and God uses it to reach people who otherwise wouldn’t know of his love. With God’s guidance, I try to pick positive messages which will warm people to God’s love for them and his desire to be a part of their lives. As of the time of this E-Mail Ministry there are 175 people who receive these inspirational messages.

4) If you are a recent subscriber, and we have quite a few, or you missed some of the messages for one reason or another you can find all of the previous messages in the archives on the E-Mail Ministry web site. The April archives are now on the web site.

7) Last, but not least, there is a new web page on the E-Mail Ministry web site. The web page is titled “Church Humor”. It is a collection of church related humor pieces I have received. Read them in the way they are intended, as Christians able to laugh at ourselves!

Well, I think that is it for this month. Please keep sending in those submissions and forwarding the E-Mail Ministry messages onto your friends and family.

I pray this message finds you growing in the understanding of how much
God loves you.

— doug
Founder, Editor, Webmaster & ‘Chief Bottle Washer’ of E-Mail Ministry