

Hello, my name is Henry Tilford. I am 17 years of age, and I attend Zionsville High School as a junior. I am very involved with, well……everything! I help out in the junior high room at Zionsville Fellowship and go to the eleven o’clock service and go to youth group at Zionsville Presbyterian Church every Sunday. I am in Royalaires (a show choir at the high school) on Mondays nights, and I am the vice president of my class for student council which meets on Tuesday mornings. I co-lead a junior high “guys” bible study on Tuesday nights. Every Wednesday morning I have FCA, and then that night I go to my own bible study with my peers. On Thursday mornings I have National Honor Society, and then that night I have Campus Life. I do all of these things every week!!!!!

Now, you may be wondering “Why did he just tell me his every week’s activities?”. Well, you will see the significance here in a moment. The thing that I want to address to everyone is Leadership. This is a constantly reoccurring theme in the bible. God calls us to witness to everyone!! To me, the easiest way to do this is to be a leader. I am a leader in almost every single activity that I mentioned above because that is what God has called me to do. Once you establish yourself as a leader and get people to trust you, it is much easier to witness to them. Now some people may be wondering how they can become a leader….while this may not be your spiritual gift, it is a gift that God has given me. For instance, this devotional is very hard for me to write, because it is not a gift that I am blessed with. It is difficult to be a young Christian male at Zionsville High School, but I just wanted to encourage all the young people out there and moms and dads of high school students that it can be done. As Winston Churchill said, “Kites rise highest against the wind……not with it.” We all need to look for ways to use our spiritual gifts in order to spread the gospel, and I guess that I am just trying to say that there are a lot of fun activities out there for students and if anyone wants to get involved, but doesn’t know where to start, I will try to get you to the right person.

“Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”
–Proverbs 16:3

Henry Tilford