What You Will Be

The following is an E-Mail Ministry message. <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< WHAT YOU WILL BE As I gazed up at the mountains, I was awed by their majesty; I bowed my head and asked myself, “Why should He care for me? I am not...

What You Will Be

WHAT YOU WILL BE As I gazed up at the mountains, I was awed by their majesty; I bowed my head and asked myself, “Why should He care for me? I am not great like the mountains that tower so high above, What is there about me that God...


MAYBE Maybe God wanted us to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. Maybe when the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so...